
Chloe’s Puppies in the Classroom

Chloe’s Puppies Make Learning Fun for Students

We met Shepherd blend Chloe when she arrived by plane from our partners in New Mexico on April 30. From there, Chloe went right to one of our longtime foster volunteers.

When Chloe gave birth to 12 puppies on May 3, we could not have predicted that their first days of life would get integrated into an Elementary School curriculum. But it just so happens that Chloe’s Foster, Ami Askins, teaches Social Studies and Science to 3rd – 4th graders at Los Penasquitos Elementary School.

Mrs. Askins started covering animal adaptions and traits in her class curriculum right as Chloe was about to give birth. Since her students loved hearing about Chloe’s puppies, Mrs. Askins decided to integrate updates on the newborns’ progress into her daily lessons. She would hold regular conversations about the different stages of development and offer insights about the foster experience that students would not often get exposed to.

Mrs. Askins’ students offered to help assign names to each of the twelve puppies, inspired by a mix of delicious snacks (Cookie, Brownie and Muffin), Basketball (Duke, Klay and Goldie), and other precious puppy names.

The puppies are now just a couple of weeks out from their adoption day and growing by the second. If you are interested in adopting one of Chloe’s fluffy puppies, they are expected to become available right around the Fourth of July!

Due to Hurricane Hilary, all  departments will be closing at 3pm today.  Stay safe!