All Grades: “Remember Me Thursday®” –Discuss pet overpopulation and how we can make positive change for orphan pets by remembering pet adoption. We encourage your class to celebrate with Helen Woodward Animal Center’s Remember Me Thursday® event in September!
Field Trips will meet a dog, parrot, guinea pig, and goat.
Outreaches will meet a dog, parrot, guinea pig, and box turtle.
Preschool and Kindergarten: “Plants and Paws” – Understand the needs of plants and animals and how they’re connected to each other and their environment.
Field Trips will meet a dog, rabbit, chicken, and sheep.
Outreaches will meet a dog, rabbit, dove, and invertebrate.
1st Grade:“The Wonderful World of Animals” – Discover the different ways animals interact with the world and why these interactions vary depending on the species.
Field Trips will meet a parrot, guinea pig, bearded dragon, and sheep.
Outreaches will meet a parrot, guinea pig, bearded dragon, and Madagascar hissing cockroach.
2nd Grade: “Home is Where the Heart Is” – Explore different habitats and discover the types of animals that live in each one.
Field Trips will meet a goat, leopard gecko, parrot, and hermit crab.
Outreaches will meet a guinea pig, leopard gecko, parrot, and hermit crab.
3rd Grade: “Learning about Life Cycles” – Investigate the many unique life cycles of animals and why it is appropriate for their environment.
Field Trips will meet a skink, frog, dog, and chicken.
Outreaches will meet a skink, frog, dog, and dove.
4th Grade: “The Senses of Survival” – Dive into the animal world where our five senses have gone wild and learn how animals perceive the world. It can be similar to the way that we do, or it can be very different!
Field Trips will meet a snake, Madagascar hissing cockroach, rabbit, and parrot.
Outreaches will meet a snake, Madagascar hissing cockroach, rabbit, and parrot.
5th Grade: “You Are What You Eat” – Explore the food web and how everything in our ecological community is connected.
Field Trips will meet a snake, rabbit, dove, and Madagascar hissing cockroach.
Outreaches will meet a snake, rabbit, dove, and Madagascar hissing cockroach.
Species and activities may vary depending on animal health, safety and availability.