Rob Kuty, President and Certified Master Dog Trainer, has been a professional animal trainer for nearly 22 years. He manages all animal training for the Helen Woodward Animal Center and has worked at the Cleveland and Columbus Zoos, SeaWorld Florida and spent several years as the manager of the Pet’s Rule show at SeaWorld San Diego. Rob earned a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Psychology with a minor in Biology from Youngstown State University. His experience includes working with dogs, cats, pigs, pigeons and exotic birds. Rob has made several appearances on the local news, has appeared on the Tonight Show with Jay Leno and was a guest on the Animal Planet’s Faithful Friends television show. Rob is certified by the American Kennel Club to train and test for the Canine Good Citizen, Community Canine and STAR Puppy programs. If you have a specific question for Rob, you can email him here.
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