
Success Stories

Seven Fluffy Shepherd Puppies alone at a public park arrive at the Center

A wave of joy came over the Center upon these puppies’ arrival – say hello to Splash, Stormi, Shaka, Seashell, Sailor, Scuba, and Salty! These seven sweeties were found stranded …

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A Homeless Pregnant Cat and Her Adopted Baby Sphynx

Meet Cleopatra, ears and all. Little or no hair and adorable wrinkles, the Sphynx loves attention. People usually love this special breed or hate them. They actively seek ways to …

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Momma Lilly and her puppies are now on a path of healing and shelter.

Momma Lily came to Helen Woodward Animal Center with a number of challenges—a serious injury to her front leg, an injured paw, and ringworm. This new mother had four babies depending …

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Firehouse Puppies Rescued

Puppies Found Outside Firehouse in a Metal Bowl Left outside a firehouse in a cold metal bowl, these five puppies, only 2-weeks old, were quickly taken into our care and …

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Curtis finds forgiveness and joy

As soon as Center medical staff opened Curtis’s travel carrier, he leapt into their arms. This exuberant 4-year-old husky blend badly wanted attention, belly rubs and simply to feel loved. …

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Derik receives life-saving treatment and care

On the fourth Thursday in September, we shine a light on orphan pets waiting for their forever homes and those who lost their lives waiting for their second chance through …

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Due to Hurricane Hilary, all  departments will be closing at 3pm today.  Stay safe!