Helen Woodward Animal Center’s “SnakeSmart” Program Kicks Off as Snake Season Slithers onto the Scene…
Rancho Santa Fe, Calif. (Feb. 26, 2019) – As San Diego days begin to warm up, snakes are slithering out to make surprise appearances throughout the county. Stumbling upon a snake can be a startling experience for anyone, but for those with ophidiophobia or extreme fear of snakes, it can be paralyzing. Helen Woodward Animal Center’s newest educational program – SnakeSmart – will help break down the fear-factor (and help ramp up the smart-factor) in its first of several snake-dedicated workshops. The Kick-Off class will be held Saturday, March 2, 2019 at 10 a.m. at Helen Woodward Animal Center.
San Diego’s moderate climate makes snakes prevalent throughout the year. But, come March and April, as the temperatures begin to warm, the county experiences a peak in snake sightings. While some notoriously feared serpents can cause injury to humans and pets, snakes are also an interesting and essential part of our ecosystem and like many creatures take some understanding to truly recognize their beauty.
“It’s so important to learn about snakes because there are a lot of misconceptions about these amazing reptiles,” explained Kelly Rumsey, Center Education Assistant Manager of Marketing. “Many people don’t know that there are more than 3,000 species of snakes and that they’re all unique in their own way. Learning about their behaviors and their role in our ecosystem can help us get a better appreciation for these misunderstood reptiles.”
SnakeSmart is an opportunity to overcome a fear of snakes while better understanding the incredible creatures we share our surroundings with in San Diego. Participants will learn valuable ways of identifying which snakes are dangerous to humans and pets, as well as what to do when encountering a snake in nature, and attendees can choose the level of interaction they’re comfortable with during the workshop.
SnakeSmart is open to anyone (including adults!) 5 years and older. Registration is open now for the March 2 workshop at www.animalcenter.org/programs-services/education/snakesmart.
More SnakeSmart workshops are planned for the following dates:
May 18, 2019 from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m.
September 7 from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m.
September 22, 2019 from 2 to 4 p.m.
For additional details about the Center’s Education Department please call 858-756-4117 ext. 318 or email [email protected].