…AND BABIES MAKE…68! Four New Hurricane Harvey Rescues Appear

Helen Woodward Animal Center Welcomes Four New Hurricane Harvey Rescues!

(Helen Woodward welcomes Canyon, Cici, Cisco, and Conroe – Cassidy’s surprise babies!)

Rancho Santa Fe, Calif.  (November 14, 2017) – In early September, the story of 64 orphan animals who were flown into San Diego’s International Airport and transported to Helen Woodward Animal Center made very big news.  The Houston-based orphan pets had been waiting for forever homes when Harvey’s destructive path left their shelters underwater and uninhabitable.  A call for help from Operation Pet’s Alive! (OPA) set actions in motion and, thanks to the generosity of Southwest® Airlines, and transport teams from SeaWorld® San Antonio and San Diego, the orphan dogs and cats were brought to the safety of the Center.  But one of these Harvey rescues, a cat named Cassidy, had a surprise in store for the Helen Woodward Animal Center staff members…  Helen Woodward Animal Center is proud to introduce you to Harvey Rescues #65 – 68!  The four BRAND NEW Harvey kittens have been receiving the love of their momma, regular health checks from Center vets, and the comfort of foster care, in preparation for finding their forever homes!

The destruction caused by Hurricane Harvey was captured by the media globally, depicting unimaginable loss and devastation.  Life, however, has a way of persisting, and 1 ½ year old, domestic short-hair feline Cassidy, was determined to live hers.  Originally rescued by an OPA foster, Cassidy had been dropped out of a car in a parking lot only hours before Harvey hit.  As the car drove away, the foster approached the abandoned cat who welcomed affection and allowed the foster to get her to a warm, dry space.

During her transport to Helen Woodward Animal Center, Cassidy was housed with a friendly male feline she loved to frolic with named Butch (Get it?  Butch & Cassidy?) and, upon her arrival, was immediately housed with a foster family while room could be made for her at the Center.  At her foster’s home, she was known to run and play with their big yellow Lab and black cat, and loved everyone she met along the way.

A health check and prep for Cassidy’s spay, on the second week in September, revealed a surprise for the Helen Woodward’s vet team.  Cassidy was going to be a mother!  On October 18th, three male kittens and one female kitten were born; making Canyon, Cici, Cisco, and Conroe #’s 65-68 of the Harvey rescues.   Cassidy’s current foster mom reports that she is doing all Texan mommies proud, providing her kittens love and protection, and feeding them around the clock.  The kittens will be available for adoption by mid-December, followed shortly thereafter by Cassidy’s search for her forever home.  A happy holiday ending left in Harvey’s horrible wake.

For more information on Cassidy and her kittens, please contact Helen Woodward Animal Center PR and Communications Director Jessica Gercke at [email protected] or (858) 758-4117 x335.  For information on Helen Woodward Animal Center or to adopt please call the Adoptions Department at (858) 756-4117 x 313.

About Helen Woodward Animal Center

Helen Woodward Animal Center is a private, non-profit organization where “people help animals and animals help people.” Founded in 1972 in Rancho Santa Fe, Calif., the Center provides services for more than 57,000 people and thousands of animals annually through adoptions, educational and therapeutic programs both onsite and throughout the community. Helen Woodward Animal Center is also the creator of the international Blue Buffalo Home 4 the Holidays pet adoption drive, the International Remember Me Thursday® campaign and The Business of Saving Lives Workshops, teaching the business of saving lives to animal welfare leaders from around the world.


Due to Hurricane Hilary, all  departments will be closing at 3pm today.  Stay safe!