Morgan caused a lot of double takes when he first came to Helen Woodward Animal Center.
The striking, five month old grey tabby kitty had not one, but two oddly shaped eyes. Most kittens going through the intake process have two wide circles as they process the new environment and the new people performing their health check ups. But Morgan looked upon the medical staff with two teardrops on either end of his nose. Furthermore, his right eye looked cloudy — like a window that hadn’t been cleaned after a storm.
A closer examination by Center Medical Director, Dr. Alexis Siler, revealed that Morgan had a case of Entropion in his right eye, and a mild case of the condition in his left eye. Entropion is a condition where one of a cat’s eyelids turns inward. This can cause the cat’s eyelashes and even fur to scrape against their eyeball, causing all sorts of irritation and discomfort. Dr. Siler scheduled a surgery to fix the wayward eyelids and sent Morgan off to foster care, where he could get ready in a lower stress environment.
A week passed, and Morgan came back to the Center for his big day. Before the Veterinary Assistants put the kitty under, Dr. Siler examined him one last time. She noticed something peculiar. Morgan’s eye didn’t experience any sort of irritation whatsoever. Upon a closer look, she noticed his eyelashes weren’t making contact with his corneas, and the way his eyes are structured, it’s unlikely stray fur would get stuck.
Rather than perform an invasive surgery that would ultimately be cosmetic, Dr. Siler elected to leave Morgan’s eyes alone. The staff sent him to the adoption floor. The medical staff monitored him every day to make sure his special eyelids didn’t cause any irritation or discomfort. Each and every day, he greeted them with a friendly meow and demands of pets.
Morgan didn’t stay on the adoption floor for long. After only a few days of being available, he found his forever family. They’ve since reported that he’s become a playful and adventurous kitty.