Chico’s Freedom

Chico couldn’t run for almost a year.

Last year, a car hit the now three year old Doberman Pinscher blend, breaking one of his legs and rendering him unable to run. He was taken to an emergency vet hospital in southern LA county where they performed a splint to set his fractured shin bones. Once the vets finished the procedure, they noticed the people who dropped Chico off had vanished. The emergency vet hospital held onto the injured boy for a few days, and yet nobody came to claim him. Finally, they reached out to the SPCALA who took the two and a half year old Chico in.

The Los Angeles based organization were able to provide for Chico’s basic needs for several weeks. But then, at the start of 2025, fires erupted all throughout Los Angeles County. Animal shelters in LA and its surrounding counties quickly found themselves maxed out for space, time, and resources. Suddenly, Chico couldn’t get the care he deserved as his guardians were abruptly inundated with new residents. However, SPCALA wanted to ensure Chico could get the attention he deserved and find a loving home. So they reached out to Helen Woodward Animal Center who agreed to take in the adult Doberman.

A week later, Chico arrived to the Center along with 18 other orphan pets from LA County. Immediately he became a staff favorite due to his goofy and friendly personality. The medical team took a look at his recovering fractures before witnessing him run freely for the first time in almost a year.

The adoptions department made the Doberman blend available a few days later. After several weeks of trying to find a home — Chico found his forever family, where he can spend the rest of his life running free.

Due to Hurricane Hilary, all  departments will be closing at 3pm today.  Stay safe!