Available Orphan Pups Unite Parties at Tomorrow’s Polls…
Rancho Santa Fe, CA (Nov. 5, 2018) – Helen Woodward Animal Center is making an effort to lighten the mood during one of the most intense political climates in history. Tomorrow, between 7:00am and 9:00am, individuals at the Rancho Santa Fe Library polling location will have an opportunity to cast their votes for their favorite cuddly canine candidate. Four puppy PAWlitians will be on-site for face-to-muzzle meetings. The media is invited to join them at 17040 Avenue De Acasias, in Rancho Santa Fe.
“The political temperature is tough right now,” said Helen Woodward Animal Services Manager Ashley Freeman. “We are hearing that a record-number of people plan to vote tomorrow and that party lines are more sharply drawn than ever before. It could be tense out there but a cute fuzzy face is something we can all get behind.”
Although our kitty candidates won’t be on site, recent polls, indicate that American voters are hopelessly in love with both “DemiCATs” and “RePUPlican” furry faces, giving both parties hope that they can unite under the “spots and stripes” and find forever homes. The candidates have been seen hitting the campaign trail with all four legs, shaking paws, licking babies and reiterating their shared policy of unconditional love. While the Center won’t be accepting ballots, adopters can cast their vote every day of the week in the form of an adoption application.
Choosing your favorite cuddly candidate at tomorro
w’s Rancho Santa Fe Library polling location is all in good fun and done with an effort to keep the vibes positive. But anyone who happens to fall in love with one our candiPETS and chooses to adopt will be casting a vote that saves a life. Helen Woodward Animal Center has a huge number of kittens, puppies, cats and dogs that are all hoping you’ll take a look at their qualifications and give them your support.
This might be the one vote that’s guaranteed to give you the warm fuzzies this year.
For more information on our candiPETS or to apply to adopt them, please visit www.animalcenter.org, call 858-756-4117 ext. 313 or visit Helen Woodward Animal Center at 6461 El Apajo Road in Rancho Santa Fe.
WHEN: Tuesday, November 6th – 7:00am to 9:00am!
WHERE: Rancho Santa Fe Library Polling Location – 17040 Avenue De Acasias, Rancho Santa Fe, CA 92067
WHAT: Take the stress out of voting by meeting and greeting with our cuddly candiPETs!