Vet Camp Volunteer

Girls looking through a microscope
Young girl with horse

Thank you for your interest in volunteering for our You Can Be a Vet Camp events!


  • Sunday, March 9th  

Shift Time: Full day shifts are available.

Full day shifts are 8:30am-3:30pm

Event Location: Education Pavilion

Volunteer Age Requirement: Volunteers must be at least 14 years of age or older

What:  Speak and play with children, administer hand sanitizer, pass out supplies, hold doors for the class, take kids to bathroom, take injured kids to office, pick up and transfer animals in carriers, clean tables/chairs.

Fill out the form to choose your shifts.  You will receive an email with further important instructions.

Due to Hurricane Hilary, all  departments will be closing at 3pm today.  Stay safe!