
Hope Is Cancer-Free!

Helen Woodward Animal Center’s Celebrates Orphan Pup’s Victory
on its Annual Day of Giving… 


Rancho Santa Fe, Calif. (May 18, 2022) – Helen Woodward Animal Center workers are celebrating a very special victory on its annual Day of Giving.  With a goal of reaching $20,000 in a single day, Center staff agree that no final result will be sweeter than the one that brought Hope – a mama dog diagnosed with cancer – back to the building after her final day of chemotherapy.  To continue to help more pets like Hope, the Center is asking San Diegans to come together on a single day to make a lifesaving impact. The Center’s Day of Giving is TODAY, Wednesday, May 18, 2022 with all donations matched, thanks to the generosity of the Eugene Gordon Estate.

Two-year old shepherd blend Hope arrived to Helen Woodward Animal Center in January this year.  She had been spotted close to the border at a dollar store actively trying to engage the shoppers who came and went.  A concerned individual thought she was looking for food, but Hope was looking for more than that.  The female dog was pregnant and needed a warm, safe place to have her babies.  Only a day after arriving at Helen Woodward Animal Center, Hope gave birth to five beautiful puppies.




Hope was an amazing mother.  She nursed and loved on her babies, making sure they grew healthy and strong on their road to adoption.  Unfortunately, it was Hope who would be delayed on her journey to a forever home.  Medical exams revealed that the mother dog had cancerous tumors.  Left untreated, they would end her life.

The medical team brought Hope to a cancer specialist who determined the best course of action and mapped out months of chemotherapy ahead.  In the many weeks that followed, Hope was shuttled to her treatments and back to the comfort of a loving foster’s home at night.  The former pregnant street dog suddenly had a whole staff of humans dedicated to getting her well and giving her a chance to live the joyful life of a beloved pet.

Helen Woodward Animal Center is happy to report that as of last week, Hope has been declared cancer-free.  Her return to the adoptions building, as she gears up for adoption, was emotional for all who greeted her.

Stories like Hope’s are only one of many that come through the doors of Helen Woodward Animal Center every day.  On this annual Day of Giving, the Center is seeking to unite the animal-loving community encouraging donations to support its lifesaving work. The funds raised on this day support transport costs, medical and specialist expenses and preventative care for pets in need.  Best off all, all donations are matched today, thanks to the Eugene Gordon Estate.

Helen Woodward Animal Center is committed to ensuring orphan pets have the complete care they deserve. Those interested in participating in the Center’s Day of Giving can donate at https://my.animalcenter.org/campaign/2022-day-of-giving/c406264.

Day of Giving T-Shirts are also available for purchase with a percentage of each sale benefitting the Center’s orphan pets at https://www.bonfire.com/store/helen-woodward-animal-center/ .

Due to Hurricane Hilary, all  departments will be closing at 3pm today.  Stay safe!